
Monday, February 24, 2014

Carat Media Internship: Journal Entry #18

This week was more of the same initially, completing spend checks for a few campaigns, some government-based, others being those of private companies, but I was glad to see that they were all pacing quite well in general. Using these completed spend checks I went on to carry out some more site transparency reports and later I actually pulled the spend check from a Google-based DSP, which was a new experience. It was quite frustrating initially to be honest as I kept on trying to pull a spend check, but because Google requires you to tick boxes in order to show spend and the other metrics, in addition to selecting a time range i.e. "last 30 days" etc., this created some problems and so I ended up only pulling the data I needed on the third attempt, because I kept forgetting to tick all the relevant boxes, sometimes wondering which ones to tick. But it's still a lesson learned I guess and I did get what I needed without help in the end, so overall: Success!

One of My Better Presentations 

This was followed up with aiding in the design of another presentation focused on the engineering sector, highlighting the benefits of the social media platforms, obviously tailored to their requirements etc. I must also say here that I am really starting to get to grips with using PowerPoint creatively, which is a great deal better than just putting together the kinds of presentations I did at school, that pale in comparison quite frankly. In any case the presentation came out fine, I was asked for feedback before the end of the day actually, with the only criticisms being in certain misplacements of text boxes etc. that unbalanced the layout from time to time, problems that could be solved in next to no time, which was quite pleasing.

How You Can Target via Mobile Devices; 
(I gathered each image separately)

Finally, I aided another colleague in taking notes on LinkedIn as a potential platform, though I got no further than he did in discovering anything particularly new or exciting, it was still an experience (it reminded me of when I used to work for Tomi Clothing actually) and I did learn something about how LinkedIn do business with media buyers, their rates and costs etc., so hopefully such information will come in handy at some point in the future. 

Aside from this there isn't much else to say and so with this conclusion I will see you next week and hope that yours goes well in the meantime; I will hopefully be engaging with the DSPs that I have little experience of currently, so let's see how I fare!

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