
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Carat Media Internship: Journal Entry #15

As I promised in the last post, I said that I'd reveal what work I've been carrying out at Carat this week, so here it is: I've been designing some more presentation slides, which was great fun and also completing a couple more spend checks, something that I have tried and failed in completing before. I think I am starting to get to grips with it and I did get to use our DSP in a little more depth, so there's experience mounting there.

Chronologically however, I started off in designing a presentation slide for a YouTube campaign, from which I worked out (both with a calculator and Excel) the various metrics pertaining to campaign success i.e. CPC, CTR, Conversions and Cost per View (CPV,) something with which I haven't worked before. Using this I made some pretty cool slides on how we performed and hopefully, these will aid the guys upstairs who deal with getting that type of info out to clients.

This was accompanied by a write-up on Word that detailed my opinions on campaign success, which was well-received I thought. In any case, this lead to my enlistment on another task involving PowerPoint, helping to design a presentation for the benefits to clients of using social media as a marketing tool. I did this through essentially copying boxes and images on other slides and adjusting them accordingly, both to save time as well as to ensure that the whole project ran uniformly throughout all of the slides, the consistency being a quality I was particularly pleased with in the end.

A Slide on LinkedIn Benefits

A Slide on FB Custom Audiences

After all of this I moved to completing a spend check for a couple of different clients, the spreadsheet requiring me to insert the data from our DSP into it to show correct CPC and other cost rates. Though I completed two different sheets, there were some campaigns for which I couldn't find the data and so could not complete the task in full as a result. I sent the sheets off at the end of the day and hopefully next week when I go through them I will show some progress and -hopefully again- what I have done will be correct when I receive feedback. If not then I will have to look into some kind of "baby-steps advice," though having searched Google for "spend checks," there doesn't seem to be much aid in the results, as if no-one's ever called them that before, which gives me reason to believe that elsewhere they're called something different, but I'll have to see. Hopefully I have overestimated my ineptitude and the checks completed last week will be fine. And so we shall see . . .  

Thanks for reading. 

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